Week 8 - lecture 2


Date: 01/09/22

8.3. Lower bound for the trace of a transition matrix
8.4. The 3-1 tree
8.5. Proving fast mixing for Potts model via contraction
8.6. Swendsen-Wang dynamics and the random cluster model

LECTURE presentation

Video lecture


1.* Let P be an irreducible transition matrix on V, and suppose that f:V \to \mathbb R is nonzero and satisfies Pf=- f.

(a) Show that P^k(x,x)=0 for all odd k.

(b) Deduce that there is a partition of V into two sets A,B such that if P^k(x,y)>0, then either x \in A and y \in B, or x \in B and y \in A.

2.* Let P be an irreducible transition matrix on V, and suppose that

f:V \to \mathbb C is a nonzero complex eigenfunction, Pf=\lambda f, where \lambda may be complex and  |\lambda|=1. Show that there is some positive integer k such that \lambda^k=1. Deduce that P^j(x,x)=0 for all x \in V, provided that  j is not divisible by k.

2.* Consider the Potts model on an \ell \times \ell square in the lattice. Show that if \beta is a large enough constant, then the mixing time of Glauber dynamics for this Potts model is at least e^\ell.

3. Consider the Potts model on an n vertex graph of maximal degree five. Show that if \beta \le 10,  then there is an absolute constant C so that the mixing time of Glauber dynamics for this Potts model is at most  e^{Cn}.


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