Week 3 - lecture 2


Date: 01/09/22

3.4. Birth and death chains
3.5. A markov chain from linear algebra
3.6. Counting and diameter lower bounds
3.7. Bottleneck Ratio 

LECTURE presentation

Video lecture


1.* Let \{S_n\} be simple random walk on the integers, with S_0=0. Show that P(S_n \ge \ell) \le e^{-\ell^2/(2n)} for all n,\ell \ge 1. Hint: Prove the inequality \cosh(x) \le e^{x^2/2} for all real x, and use it to bound E(e^{\lambda S_n}).

2.*  Let  T be a b-ary tree of height k, that has 1+b+\dots+b^k vertices.  What are the best upper and lower bounds you can prove for the mixing time of lazy SRW on T?

3. Let GL_n(2) be the set of invertible n \times n matrices mod 2. Find the cardinality of GL_n(2). Hint: consider choosing the rows of the matrix one by one.

4.* Let M be a subset of the group of permutations \bf S_n. consider the Markov chain on \bf S_n obtained by picking a permutation g_n in M uniformly at random (independently of previous g_j), and defining X_{n}=X_{n-1}g_n.

(a)  Write a lower bound for the mixing time of this chain in terms of n and |M|.

(b) Suppose that M consists of transpositions. What is the  smallest possible size of M for which this chain is irreducible?

(c) If M consists of transpositions, can this chain be aperiodic?

(d) Suppose that M consists of all transpositions, and we consider the lazy version of the chain above. Can you improve the lower bound from part (a) in this case?


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